
US Manufactured Scholars


  America exports a lot of garbage around the world. McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Microsoft, are prime examples of damaging and useless brands that are turned into 'world leaders' as a result of Marketing strategies and monopolies. Its latest product, the US manufactured scholar, exhibits the same bad qualities as these various brands. They are jetted around the Western world to cause mischief, tell lies, change Islam and meet with the Presidents and the Prime ministers discussing how Islam is full of 'love' and 'peace' whilst the West kill men, women and children in its war against Islam (see front cover). These shameless scholars are the likes of Hamzah Yusuf, who before September 11th vehemently attacked America as Satanic (to sell a few tapes and earn a living) and now advises the 'sincere' - as he put it - President on how to deal with Muslims. He claims to have had a change of heart and now says the US are far from being satanic, in fact they are better than Muslims. The fire-fighters who died saving lives were performing Jihad and are 'mujahid'. We say to Hamzah Yusuf, whilst he stood outside the Whitehouse lawn with his friend George singing "God save America", did it not occur to him that Islam forbade making the Kuffar his intimate, let alone making the greatest enemy of the Muslims his 'buddy'? We would like to remind Hamzah Yusuf of the great Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), who said, "if you see a scholar at the gates of a ruler, question him in his deen".

  Of the same milk as Hamzah Yusuf, is Taha Jabir al-Alwani, who claims in his most recent Fatwa, signed by the infamous 'Mufti of Qatar' Yusuf Al-Qardawi that Muslims in the US armed forces are permitted to fight with their country America against the Muslims of Afghanistan, nay in fact it is fard. He states, it is "a duty of Muslims to participate in this effort with all possible means…to sum up, it's acceptable -- God willing -- for the Muslim American military personnel to partake in the fighting in the upcoming battles, against whomever, their country decides, has perpetrated terrorism against them". The Prophet (saw) says, "insulting a Muslim is transgression, and fighting him is kufr".

  Some argue that these scholars are saying a word of untruth to save the wider community. Even if this was the case, Islam has prohibited telling a lie about the deen, and has obligated the Scholar to say the truth, even if it cost him his life like the Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (ra). Hamzah Yusuf and his buddies in the Whitehouse have an equal share of the blood on their hands. It is plain to see to the one who studies objectively, that truly the US inspired scholars are nothing but cheap products of Uncle Sams plan to subvert Islam and Muslims.

 Allah (swt) says, "O you who believe! Take not my enemies and your enemies as friends and protectors, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come unto you of the Truth" [Al-Mumtahanah: 1].

 Abdul Munir

 Source:  Khilafah Magazine November 2001 Edition

The article above is extracted from the Khilafah Magazine website. All credit for this page is due only to them.

We ask Allah to bless them in this world and the hereafter, and help them to stay upon the truth. Ameen.

The article is available at: http://www.khilafah.com/1421/category.php?DocumentID=2624&TagID=24 




Our comments on some recent interview given after September 11th

Our comments on some of Hamza Yusuf's Lecture - audio tapes

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Reviewed: JAN 4th 2002