Comments from 60 minutes interview of Hamza Yusuf:

Before we get to the comments, 

please take a look at the following excerpt from one of his tapes:

Tape: Surah al-Insan, Part 2 Side A

·        “ It is warning us not to make a joke even if that is about a dog then what about a human being that actually has a soul that has been honored by Allah whether or not he is a kafir or mushrik, he is still has the dignity of a human soul until he dies because no body knows what his outcome is…. The point is to look with a’in (eye) of rahmah (mercy) and not the ai’n (eye) of ihtiqar (to belittle/demean someone) like the jababirah (the arrogant tyrants people) look at things, and humiliate them and make mockery of them”

Comment: Does this also apply to Muslims? Compare this to what he said in the interview (60 minutes) below about the “extremist elements” within the Muslim communities which have to be “rooted out”.

[Excerpt from interview on 60 minutes]

Bradley: correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the responsibility... Does not Islam, does not Allah require that Muslims police their own religion and rid themselves of extremists?

Yusuf: yes, absolutely. It's an obligation for Muslims to root them out. And I think it is a jihad now for the Muslims in the Muslim country to rid themselves of this element.

1.      Why is Br. Hamza giving contradicting messages here. On one hand the Muslims are asked to be raheem (merciful)  to non-Musilms and Mushriks while on the other hand he is asking Muslims to declare jihad upon Muslims (extremist elements)

2.      How would you identify the extremist elements?

3.      There is no proof that these Muslims actually did the terrorist acts. However clearly Br. Hamza is asking the Muslim world to initiate jihad upon someone (are they not Muslims?)

4.      Who is Br. Hamza to declare Jihad upon anyone..? is he not falling prey to the same kind of ignorance that the extremists are accused of?

5.      Is he an Aalim, State Authority, did he consult with other scholars/Islamic legal authorities? And then reach consensus with them..? If NOT does he recognize the scope and magnitude of such a ‘fatwa’.

6.      He by saying such an extreme statement so loosely on 60 minutes watched all over America has given the non-Muslims a pretext to go and kill any Muslims they deem as terrorist.

Our comments on some recent interviews

given after September 11th

Our comments on some of Hamza Yusuf's Lecture - audio tapes

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What other American Imams are saying about Hamza Yusuf's teachings  What other people have to say about Hamza Yusuf's teachings.
Zaytuna Institute -coming soon Hamza Yusuf ? -coming soon
