Renegades disguised as leaders
Assalaamu 'alaykum,

Since we wish to avoid the nasty pitfalls regarding "fitna" and also avoid the well known vices relative to the tongue and the ear, it behooves those of like mind to join together when such events as this transpire.

The great mishap in all these recent events is that many so-called erudite esteemed and learned Muslims have found their way to the halls of those who govern, and further to the halls of those who are avowed enemies of Islam. The great question is then, has this brother(s) then by his (their) overt actions endorced, supported and given a pledge to the "White House" taking up arms against Muslims, accepting the killing of the Muslims of Afghanistan as collateral damage? (Astaghfirullah).
Have they in effect, for reasons known and unknown betrayed the teachings of the Shariyah for some notoriety, publicity and photo ops? Are there monetary attachments and official U.S. Government recognition of these so-called Muslims?

It is my contention that these individuals have sided with the real enemies under the guise of seeming "scholarly"and that they must as you say, be exposed. In addition, they must be rejected as legal authorities in Islam; they must repent and must not hold any public positions in the Muslim community.

You should also note there is more but all cannot be put on the web.

Mr. Hanson fits the true description of, "Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts."

In sha' Allah, let me hear from you soon as well as whatever other documentation on this matter you wish to provide me with I welcome it.

Wa salaam,
Al-Hajj Muhammad

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Reviewed: DEC 23rd 2001